Bulletproof Radio

Hacking Injury Healing from the Inside Out – Interventions With Dave – Rachelle Copeland : 1006



In this Episode of The Human Upgrade™… Dave talks with Rachelle Copeland about putting her energy into healing facial injuries and building new tissues—starting with the central nervous system. Rachelle experienced an accident that injured her face, teeth, nerves and jaw. She wants to heal quickly and avoid scarring and long-term damage while also managing the accompanying emotional trauma.This intervention looks at ways to heal and recover both internally and externally, covering suggestions such as: EMDR, Tapping, EFT for physical and emotional trauma (What Is EMDR and How Does It Work?, Nick Ortner: The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief – #219, Tap into Tapping: The EFT Episode – Dawson Church # 474)Jaw misalignment (Dr. Dwight Jennings: TMJ, Jaw Pain, & Substance P – #179)Vagal nerve (Stephen Porges: The Polyvagal Theory & The Vagal Nerve – #264, The Nervous System Circuitry of Safety, Sound & Gratitude – Stephen Porges #573)Hyperbaric therapyCraniosacral work