Bulletproof Radio

The Bacteria That Lets You Drink Alcohol Again – Zack Abbott, Ph.D. : 1000



(ZBiotics sponsored this episode.)IN THIS EPISODE OF THE HUMAN UPGRADE™… you'll find out how to counter the sometimes rough morning after you have alcohol. The key is a new genetically engineered pre-alcohol probiotic drink. Great timing as you head into the holiday season of celebrations.Zack Abbott, CEO & co-founder of ZBiotics, joins this 1,000th episode of the podcast to talk about new discoveries in alcohol metabolism, genetic engineering and GMOs (used in a good way!), and the power of microbes.Ever wondered why you feel like crap the morning after drinking alcohol? The cause is a byproduct called acetaldehyde that forms in your gut when you drink alcohol. The ZBiotics Pre-Alcohol Probiotic Drink breaks down acetaldehyde while you drink so you can feel better the morning after.Prior to starting ZBiotics, Zack, who has a Ph.D. in microbiology and immunology, worked in clinical trial design, researched HIV vaccines, and pursued novel antibiotics in both academia