Bulletproof Radio

Hacking Brain Fog – Interventions With Dave – Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN : 981



In this Episode of The Human Upgrade™...​ Dave talks about what could be causing brain fog with a podcast guest in this impromptu intervention. Keri Glassman, MS, RD, CDN, recently spoke about gut health as the expert for Omni-Biotic probiotics. During the interview, she was searching for a word and got frustrated she couldn’t grasp it quickly. This intervention looks at the potential culprits responsible for Keri’s brain fog and memory hiccups: ThyroidHormones, such as testosterone and DHEAPerimenopauseMast cell-mediated inflammationCortisol & stressADHDMold toxinsMercury & leadKeri is a registered dietitian, certified nutritionist, healthy cooking expert and author of four books. She also founded Nutritious Life, a lifestyle and media company and Nutritious Life Studio, an online education platform focused on nutrition, coaching, and business.Find tips and resources on the episode webpage.Note: The "Interventions With Dave” recommendations are designed to help you upgra