Bulletproof Radio

Hacking Deep Sleep – Interventions With Dave – George Hanna : 957



In this Episode of The Human Upgrade™...​ … Dave talks with George Hanna about how to get better deep sleep.George says he’s been a health and fitness buff for most of his life. Now in his early 60’s, he’s adopted much of the biohacking lifestyle, including sleep hacks. Yet, deep sleep continues to elude him. He and Dave get into factors that could be messing with his circadian rhythm, like temperature, light, overtraining, heart rate variability, glucose monitoring, blood sugar and more. They also go over potential tweaks to:MushroomsHerbsAmino AcidsTestosteroneSupplementsThyroidStatinsIf you struggle with sleep or simply want to learn to fine-tune the sleep you’re getting, take a listen to this episode for tips and resources.Listen to the other episodes in the Interventions With Dave series and don’t miss the “Links & Resources” section on the episode web page: https://daveasprey.com/intervention-george-hanna-957/Note: The "Interventions With Dave” recommendations are designed to help you upgr