Bulletproof Radio

Nutrition Upgrade: How To Be Food Flexible and Wild – Teri Cochrane & Mareya Ibrahim : 951



IN THIS EPISODE OF THE HUMAN UPGRADE™...…two food experts explain the many ways your food choices influence your body systems—and what you can do differently to improve your gut function, energy and performance. Here’s a look at how essential amino acids and the right proteins can keep inflammation at bay and keep your metabolism humming.Teri Cochrane, CN, CCP, went down the research rabbit hole when both her son and daughter (at different ages and for different reasons) experienced severe health problems. She not only examined nutrition in-depth, but she also investigated epigenetics and nutrigenomics “Disruptors such as pathogens, mycotoxins, stress, amyloids and inflammatory foods work together to impair body balance,” Teri says. “We have found a direct link between amyloids, mycotoxins and these health disruptors in the acceleration of disease.”She’s developed her own methodology that integrates a multi-level nutritional approach—including biochemistry, nutrition, genetic tendencies, herbology,