Bulletproof Radio

How Minerals Combat Glyphosate’s Harm – Caroline Alan : 948



SPECIAL OFFER FOR LISTENERS OF THE HUMAN UPGRADE: Go to beamminerals.com/advancedset. Use code DAVE to get 20% off.IN THIS EPISODE OF THE HUMAN UPGRADE™... …you’ll find out how plant-based humic substances have the power to stop and reverse the effects of glyphosate damage in both humans and soil.Caroline Alan, co-founder and CEO of BEAM Minerals, explains how minerals provide your body systems with critical cellular support, how they get depleted and how you can replenish them. She goes even further to talk about glyphosate’s harmful effects on human health and soil health, particularly when it comes to minerals.In her former corporate career of software development and business consulting, Caroline experienced problems physically, mentally and energetically. She struggled with issues like life-long gluten intolerance, whole-body inflammation, leaky gut, chronic headaches, flat-lined adrenals and low thyroid. Her chronic health issues didn’t resolve until she began taking plant-