Bulletproof Radio

Living a Life of Deep Adventure – Bob Ballard, Finder of the Titanic : 839



In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, an incredibly special guest explores the vast depths of the oceans uncovering mysteries, proving theories, and revealing artifacts that tell a story about the history of humankind. And I got to talk to him via satellite phone as he was heading out to sea on his ship, Nautilus.Oceanographer and marine geologist Bob Ballard has led nearly 160 deep-sea expeditions and worked with the Navy on top-secret missions throughout an underwater career spanning six decades. It all began with a love of California’s Mission Bay tide pools.“Everyone's born with that flame of curiosity,” Bob says. “Every child is born a scientist, and yet the educational system can turn off that pilot light and kill it. So, I was lucky enough right when my pilot light was getting low, someone put their arm around me and said, "You can do it." Helped me through it. I had people all the way.”He’s gone on to discover ships thought long lost and provide extraordinary new understandings and