Bulletproof Radio

The Metabolism-Cancer Connection & How to Treat It – Dr. Charles Meakin with Dave Asprey : 801



In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest approaches cancer much differently than mainstream medical thinking.Dr. Charles Meakin is Chief Medical Officer for Care Oncology Clinic USA and works specifically on metabolic treatment strategies for curing cancer. He’s also a career biohacker-physician focused on alternative and holistic treatment strategies that he hopes will shape the “fourth field of cancer care.”We talk personalized strategies and specifically about some of the drugs we take for anti-aging that are interesting for cancer care, including stuff that is a little bit shocking to me like statins. We're going to get into that, and if you're interested in metabolism, this show is for you.“Cancer hits one in two men, four in 10 women, and we spend a lot of money on it,” Dr. Meakin says. “And it's still not fixing it.”We’re learning more every day about how cancer manifests and acts in the body. Over the last 10 years, many of the same cancer screening recommendations remain intact, but a lot has c