Bulletproof Radio

Mini-Episode: Cool Facts Friday #3



Cool Facts are back, baby!Thanks to everyone who let us know they wanted to keep getting quick hits of new human and world science! We’ve taken the Cool Facts out of the Bulletproof Radio podcast episodes and curated them into a short burst just for you. This fun compilation will publish one Friday a month.Here’s the current lineup for episode #3:Composting human bodies is an environmentally acceptable alternative to burial or cremation.Scientists can make human organs transparent, leading to 3D-biomapping possibilities.We can learn a lot about aging from African Turquoise Killfish.Inflammatory fighting nanoparticles reduce brain swelling. Nanoparticles capable of engulfing and eating cellular debris could be used to keep hearts healthy.SPECIAL EVENT! Join the Virtual Biohacking Conference Oct. 10, 2020. You'll get "Expert Biohacking Tips and Tools For When the Fit Hits the Shan!" This interactive one-day conference is full of keynote speakers, panels, interviews, breakout sessions, unique