Bulletproof Radio

All the Ways Inflammation and DNA Affect Cardiovascular Health – Mansoor Mohammed, Ph.D. with Dave Asprey : 742



In this extended episode of Bulletproof Radio, I have a returning guest, medical genomics pioneer and molecular immunologist Mansoor Mohammed, Ph.D. He’s president and chief scientific officer of The DNA Company, based in Canada. He holds several patents in the general fields of molecular diagnostics and genomics research.We’ll be talking about how your DNA affects your cardiovascular health. There are three major factors that form a triangle of cardiovascular disease, says Mansoor.“The first thing that you need to know is that most cardiovascular disease does not start with the heart. It starts with the lining of the blood vessels.”“Second, what are things in the blood that give rise to inflammation of that lining and do damage?”“Third, how good is the body at controlling those things that get into the bloodstream that would otherwise be inflammatory? How good is your carb metabolism? Much of what we think of in macronutrients–it’s not about the fats.”All three of these factors are underl