Bulletproof Radio

These Are Not Uncertain Times: Ways to Pivot, Lead and Thrive – Simon Sinek with Dave Asprey : 740



In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest is someone who considers himself to be an unshakable optimist. "Optimism is not the denial of the current state,” says Simon Sinek. “Optimism is the belief the future is bright and so, to be optimistic is the same as saying, Look, we're in a dark tunnel. It's hard and I don't know how long this tunnel is, I don't know how long we're going to be in this tunnel, but I see a light at the end and I know we're going to get there and we just have to keep marching forwards together and we may even be stronger when we come out of it."Simon has set his sights on advancing a vision of the world that does not yet exist… A world in which the vast majority of people wake up every single morning inspired, feel safe wherever they are, and end the day fulfilled by the work that they do.He started with why and then asked people to find their why. He believes leaders need to eat last and together is better.  And now, he’s looking at the fini