Bulletproof Radio

No BS Ways to Challenge Your Own Belief Systems – Paul Chek with Dave Asprey : 726



In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my candid conversation with Paul Chek continues into the metaphysical, states of consciousness and why so many of us are in fight-or-flight mode.Note to Listeners: This is the second of a two-part show and focuses on the metaphysical drivers of our lives. Part 1 focused on physical health: DON’T BS YOURSELF; DO THE FOUR BASICS OF HOLISTIC HEALTH – PAUL CHEK WITH DAVE ASPREY – #725.“Our biochemistry is changing constantly to enhance our ability to survive and no belief system is nearly as dynamic as the truth of our own bodies,” Paul says. The truth of our bodies is that we’re under a tremendous amount of stress–some that’s within our control, some that’s not. This makes us reactive and takes us to lower levels of consciousness. For more than 30 years, Paul’s trained, guided and helped people level up their physical, mental and spiritual health. He’s an expert in the fields of corrective a