Bulletproof Radio

Guided Breathing, Gamma Brainwaves and Going Beyond Flow State – Dr. Greg Wells with Dave Asprey : 721



In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest, Greg Wells, Ph.D., shares ways to fully rest your body and your mind. You’ve likely been under some measure of sustained stress pretty much the whole first half of 2020. It’s taken a toll on your physical and mental health. And maybe your financial and social health, too.Greg’s new book, “Rest, Refocus, Recharge: A Guide for Optimizing Your Life,” came out just a few months ago as lockdowns were getting underway across the world. So, our conversation about health and human performance, particularly under extreme conditions, is particularly relevant.He’s a scientist and physiologist who makes the science of human limits understandable and actionable. He became a physiologist because he broke his neck body surfing in the ocean at age 15 while at a swim team training camp. That sparked his interest in the human body and how it adapts. He made a full recovery and swam in University ultimately making it to the World Cup level. He’s also a travel a