Bulletproof Radio

How Early Childhood Attachment Sets Your Relationship Patterns – Daniel P. Brown, Ph.D., with Dave Asprey : 718



In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, my guest’s expertise ranges from trauma, attachment theory and hypnosis to ancient traditions of meditation. In fact, he’s a Buddhist Meditation Master. This is the first of a two-part series you don’t want to miss.Dan Brown, Ph.D., is an Associate Clinical Professor of Psychology at Harvard University Medical School. He also teaches hypnotherapy. He’s been on the faculty for nearly 40 years. We explore how early childhood attachment can define your relationships positively or negatively. As the world-leading expert on attachment theory, Dr. Brown shares share his research findings and give you options.“There are two relational maps,” says Dr. Brown. “The first one forms about 12 to 20 months. That's the attachment map. The second one forms about the third and fourth year of life. That's called CCRT or Core Conflict Relationship Theme map. The difference between those two maps is the second map is much more complicated, and it's much more accessible to memo