Bulletproof Radio

Blood Sugar is the Power Energy in Your Video Game Life – Dr. Molly Maloof with Dave Asprey : 706



In this episode of Bulletproof Radio, I got to talk with Dr. Molly Maloof about why she wants to bring continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) to the masses and how it can optimize nutrition and health. CGM is the ultimate lifestyle biomarker. “I don't think CGM should be a prescription device,” Dr, Molly says.  “I think the information about your body should not be behind a pharmacist's desk. It's absurd that you have to ask your doctor for information about yourself.”Her goal is to maximize human potential by radically extending human health span through personal health technologies, scientific wellness and educational media. Dr. Molly teaches a course at Stanford University on strategies for extending health span for longer lifespan. Her concierge medical practice is oriented around optimizing health and improving mitochondrial function. “It is not acceptable that we are getting so sick so young and we need to ask ourselves ‘what are all the possible causes,’ ” she says. “A lot of it does h