Ciaops - Need To Know Podcasts

Episode 336 - Thoughts on AI



A final episode for 2024. Thanks all for listening in 2024. For this episode I thought I'd wrap up my thoughts on the previous AI episodes experiment as well a let you know how I use Ai currently I also have some resources that I suggest you dig into to give you a better understanding of where all this Ai hype may end up. Brought to you by Resources @directorcia Join my shared channel CIAOPS merch store Become a CIAOPS Patron CIAOPS Blog CIAOPS Brief CIAOPSLabs Support CIAOPS The Coming Wave: Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century's Greatest Dilemma - Mustafa Suleyman, Michael Bhaskar My Goodreads feed Mustafa Suleyman on the coming wave of AI What is Ai anyway? Free Github Copilot Create a Microsoft Licensing Agent