Cinema Throwdown

Ernest Scared Stupid (1991)



Cinema Throwdown is the only podcast featuring a showdown of cinematic proportions. Each week, hosts Jacob and Annie challenge each other to watch a movie and break it down in an endless movie watching struggle. This week, Jacob and Annie fight some trolls alongside the one and only Ernest P. Worrell. This week, the hosts watched Ernest Scared Stupid (1991). This was a blast from the past, ya know what I mean? There was definitely some trollish funny business. Jacob and Annie wax nostalgic and talk about Halloween costumes from childhood. Jacob looks way too deeply into the philosophy of Ernest and Annie reveals her troll racism. It was a blast to watch this movie and even Annie had to admit that she came around to Jim Varney's beloved character by the end. Thank you for downloading Cinema Throwdown and listening to a couple of friends banter about movies. You can find us on twitter @cinemathrowdown or you can email us at Please like and share us on Facebook at
