Australian True Crime

Shortcut: I Stole 16.7 Million Dollars From My Employer



This is a "Shortcut" episode. It’s a shortened version of this week’s more detailed full episode, which is also available on our feed.Simon Feldman has been described as a high flying fashion executive working for a retail giant, but also as an object of shame and embarrassment within the Jewish community and the poster boy for white collar crime. Simon was convicted of embezzling 16.7 million dollars from his employer in 2011.He switched the boardrooms of Sydney for some of the toughest jails in the country. Simon has written a book about his experience called "Paying the Price", and he joins us on Australian True Crime, along with his partner and co-author Krisztina Javor (KJ), to talk about it.Click here to purchase "Paying The Price: When a good man makes bad decisions"Do you have information regarding any of the cases discussed on this podcast? Please report it on the Crime Stoppers website or by calling 1800 333 000.Click here to subscribe to ATC Plus on Apple Podcasts and access all ATC episodes early