The James Altucher Show

Peter Diamandis: How to Harness the Power of Mindset in The Longevity Guidebook



A Note from James: I've done about a dozen podcasts in the past few years about anti-aging and longevity—how to live to be 10,000 years old or whatever. Some great episodes with Brian Johnson (who spends $2 million a year trying to reverse his aging), David Sinclair (author of Lifespan and one of the top scientists researching aging), and even Tony Robbins and Peter Diamandis, who co-wrote Life Force. But Peter just did something incredible. He wrote The Longevity Guidebook, which is basically the ultimate summary of everything we know about anti-aging. If he hadn’t done it, I was tempted to, but he knows everything there is to know on the subject. He’s even sponsoring a $101 million XPRIZE for reversing aging, with 600 teams competing, so he has direct insight into the best, cutting-edge research. In this episode, we break down longevity strategies into three categories: common sense (stuff you already know), unconventional methods (less obvious but promising), and the future (what’s coming next). And honest