Lets Ask The Angels!

Angel Messages for December: Comfort from Gabriel, Michael & Raphael



NEWS UPDATE! FINAL SHOWS ON BLOGTALK Radio!!!  Moving to SPREAKER in Januray 2025! Subscribe to my email newsletter to stay in touch! www.bcalvanocoaching.com It has been quite a journey  here for 11 years since January 2013. Thank you for listening and following here! I look forward to our new adventure  on Spreaker. It is NOT a call in show, that I will do on either Youtube or Instagram and Facebook!  Blogtalk Radio is sunsetting in January! Thank you for the opportunity to reach so many listeners and new clients! Barbara  Hello and welcome! My name is Barbara Calvano and I am your host of Let's Ask the Angels podcast.  I am an Angel Intutitive and Life Coach. I guide people to live their best lives by connecting them to their Angels and guides. My next live show will be  Monday  DEcember 16th at 3pm ET.     Call 424-675-6837 for a  free one card reading. This show is called  Angel Messages For DEcember: Comfort from Gabriel, Michael and Raphael The card decks I am using  are from Diana Cooper's  Arch