The James Altucher Show

677 - The Art of Impossible with Steven Kotler!



This was the book that I have been waiting for! I always read about "Flow", but I always confused about how anyone can get into the "Flow"! Finally, the wait is over, The Art of Impossible, written by Steven Kotler, American author, journalist, and entrepreneur. In the book, he describes every detail of how does one can get into the "Flow". If you enjoy this episode, tweet at me @jaltucher and tell me how do you like this episode! Also, feel free to also share what did you learn in this episode! I will retweet it! I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at Thanks so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe to "The James Altucher Show" and rate and review wherever you get your podcasts: Apple Podcasts Stitcher iHeart Radio Spotify Follow me on Social Media: YouTube Twitter Facebook Linkedin ------------What do YOU think of the show? Head to and fill out a short survey that will help us be