The James Altucher Show

What's Your "Natural Personality?"



When Bert Kreischer was little, he did some cute little kid thing on the baseball field. But his dad didn't think it was cute. Or appropriate. And Bert says that "who that kid was" is the core of his "natural personality." Which mirrors the fact that we all grow up somehow. And we all stay the same, too.    This is just one of many moments from my interview with Bert Kreischer. If you like this, then please subscribe and check out the full interview.    Thanks,   James   I write about all my podcasts! Check out the full post and learn what I learned at Thanks so much for listening! If you like this episode, please subscribe to "The James Altucher Show" and rate and review wherever you get your podcasts: Apple Podcasts Stitcher iHeart Radio Spotify   Follow me on Social Media: Twitter Facebook Linkedin Instagram ------------What do YOU think of the show? Head to and fill out a short survey that will help us better tailor the podcast to our audien