Rad Awakenings With Khe Hy

Scot and Jacq Tatelman (Ep. 11): Doing What You Love, With Who You Love



Imagine building a business with a heart, with the person who shares your heart. Scot and Jacq Tatelman are the founders of State Bags, a mission-driven company building on the 1-for-1 model for school kids in need. Why backpacks? Because they "represent where you've been and where you're going." Their bags are *fire* and they've partnered with Chance the Rapper, Beyonce, Kevin Durant and the White House. The love, admiration, and pride they have for one another is truly energizing (note the episode's "happy tears"). But they're honest about the challenges of co-founding and co-parenting: how pre-emptive couples therapy helped realign their roles, creating boundaries with their two energetic young kids, and how the heck you achieve work-life balance when Beyonce's peeps are calling while Jacq's in labor. (tl;dr You don't!) FULL SHOW NOTES: bit.ly/radpod11 JOIN THE COMMUNITY: bit.ly/RadReads