Change Your Pov Podcast

HST013: James Pond copy



  SUMMARY: James Pond, MA, began his current career path, after serving 8 years in the US Marine Corps and 10 years of corporate sales experience. In 2005, James and his family established a charity to help restore the lives of young girls rescued from sex trafficking in Cambodia. After a successful career of working on human trafficking issues in over ten countries, James found a deep passion to serve the needs of veterans and began mentoring young veterans in developing their lives outside of the military. He comes to Veteran’s PATH with a personal connection to the veteran community and a passion to make a difference.   Veteran’s PATH delivers free programs that are changing veterans’ lives. Their programs combine scientifically proven meditation and mindfulness-based tools, outdoor and physical activities, and veteran peer support and leadership. They help veterans share what they have been carrying in isolation, find self-acceptance, community and camaraderie—in order to heal and reintegrate into soci