Change Your Pov Podcast

EP194: Front Line Leadership - With Nick Ripplinger



  SUMMARY: Nicholas Ripplinger author of Front Line Leadership enlisted in the United States Army Reserves as a Military Police Officer at the age of 17. Due to his young age when he chose to serve our country, a waiver signed by both of his parents was required before he could proudly take his oath.   He attended basic training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri between his junior and senior years of High School. After graduating High School, he enlisted in the Active Duty U.S. Army. Nick was stationed at Fort Lee, Virginia and Fort Knox, Kentucky where he deployed to Iraq from both of these duty stations. He also served from a base in Stuttgart, Germany.   Nick advanced through the enlisted ranks faster than most of his peers and was hand selected for several high profile positions such as the Division Commanders After Action Briefer for the Multi-National Forces Iraq-North. He was selected over 50 other Non-Commissioned Officers for this position.   Nick was also selected as the European Command Protective Se