Change Your Pov Podcast

CHM003: Guns Don't Kill People, I Kill People!



SUMMARY: Changing Hearts & Minds is dedicated to helping veterans renew their warrior spirit and remember the past to improve their future. Jeff welcomes Michael J Penney the host of Cigars and Sea Stories. IN THIS PARTICULAR EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: Welcome to the Changing Hearts & Minds Podcast! This show is about the history of the AK-47 Assault Rifle, building report and training indigenous forces and random stories. Changing Hearts & Minds welcomes Michael J Penney. Michael is a Marine veteran and host of the podcast Cigars & Sea Stories. He joins Jeff to discuss Mikhail Kalashnikov and his weapons designs. We quickly devolve into random stories about our military experience. Michael J Penney and Jeff intended to talk about both Kalashnikov and Browning but they quickly strayed off target into some good stories of teaching Afghan militia how to shoot. Michael and Jeff try to keep things entertaining in this episode. LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE:   Follow Jeff on these Soc