Change Your Pov Podcast

CHM002: Overexposed!!!



    SUMMARY: Changing Hearts & Minds is dedicated to helping veterans renew their warrior spirit and remember the past to improve their future. SOF Health Initiatives is changing how we look at post-combat health.   IN THIS PARTICULAR EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: Welcome to the Changing Hearts & Minds Podcast! Changing Hearts & Minds welcomes Geoff Dardia. Geoff is a Green Beret Weapons NCO and Founding Director of the SOF Health Initiatives Program for Task Force Dagger Foundation. Task Force Dagger Foundation provides assistance to wounded, ill, or injured US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM) members and their families. Geoff Dardia found himself starting to suffer from many of the same ailments that have been affecting many veterans of the Afghanistan and Iraq. He did not accept the standard answer he was receiving from many of the health care providers that the military had given him. He went out and found his own answers and what he discovered and applied saved his life. Exposure to heavy meta