Change Your Pov Podcast

Patreon Launch Episode



  Hello Change Your POV Podcast Fans!! We have some really big plans for the future and we are asking you to be a part of it all. Our names are Eddie and Bennett and we are both military Veterans trying to make a difference in the world. We figured what better way to do that then to create a Podcast right? So... Change Your POV Podcast was born! The ability to Change Your "Point Of View" we discovered was the secret ingredient needed to becoming as successful out of uniform as we were when we were in.   We have some amazing Sponsors and other Affiliate programs that help defer some costs of running this show, but we realized two things:   1) In order to take this venture as far as we can - including hosting conferences, meet-ups, and creating workshops and to better give back to the Veteran Community - we need additional tools, training and resources that cost money.   2) We also found that a lot of folks just want to support the work we are doing without any strings attached just because they love our conte