Change Your Pov Podcast

EP150: How To Hold Your Employees Accountable



  SUMMARY: One of the most challenging things for me was understanding the differences between holding employees accountable in the military vs. the civilian sector. There shouldn't be many differences but there is for sure! This episode Bennett and Eddie sit down and discuss what it means, and what it takes to hold our directed (our employees) accountable.    IN THIS PARTICULAR EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: We use an incredible article in the Harvard Busines Review to help demonstrate this point. The article is called Do You Understand What Accountability Really Means? and can be found at this link. (OCT 13th 2016) The author is Jonathan Raymond Thank you for this piece of work!  In this article, Raymond talks about "thinking of accountability as a dial with five steps. You start at the low end, and then turn up the dial if necessary." 1. The mention 2. The invitation 3. The conversation Raymond describes the final tow steps as "the boundary and the limit, cover the ground of probation and termination, albeit in