Change Your Pov Podcast

EP140: Setting Goals The SMART Way!



SUMMARY: This week Bennett and Eddie talk about the close of 2016 and the beginning of 2017. In this last ATTACK episode of 2016 In this last ATTACK episode of 2016 we discuss our Goals for 2017 and the SMART Way to set our goals. SMART is an acronym. When setting your 2017 goals, or any other goals for that matter, it helps if you use a method that increases your chances of achieving your goals! IN THIS PARTICULAR EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: Goals the SMART Way: S – Specific. Your goal needs to be specific enough so you know if you are on track in achieving it. M – Measurable. If your goal is not measurable, you will have no idea if you are working towards achieving it, and you won’t know when or if you get there! A – Achievable. Your goal needs to be achievable. The goal of going to the moon although is a really lofty goal, it is not very achievable. At least not for most of us in 2017 R – Reasonable. Your goal needs to be reasonable. Perhaps you really want to learn how to read someone’s mind, this is a skill