Change Your Pov Podcast

EP134: Top Tools of 2016



SUMMARY: 2016 has been an incredible year! We have learned and grown leaps and bounds from the beginning and listening to our older episodes can clearly depict this growth! Part of what enabled us to grow this year were the vast array of tools and apps that are available to us these days! Below we identified 10 total Tools/Apps that we found helped us move the needle in 2016. We hope you give some or all of these a try and leave us a comment below if you use any of these, or perhaps use other tools that move the needle for you! We are always looking for more things to add to our tool box! Thank yo for being a huge part of the success for us in 2016 and we look forward to what 2017 has in store for us! IN THIS PARTICULAR EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: Bennett and Eddie pick out 5 of their top tools/apps of 2016. These are things that they use to help them stay organized, be more productive, and find a ton of value in! Below you will find the links and a brief description of each of these tools. We hope you find this