Change Your Pov Podcast

EP092: 10 Ways We Can Create A Rite Of Passage In Modern Times



SUMMARY: Many today rely on Sports, or Prom, even Driving School to serve the role of a Rites of Passage for our youth today.   I started to ask the question, “What can we do in today’s society to create a Rites of Passage?” First, I think the best question to ask ourselves is- “Why is having rites of passage even important in the first place?”   Great question and below I list 7 things I found to be great reasons why a “Rites Of Passage” is important even in today’s society.   * Demonstrates a transition into a new phase in life. Passage into adulthood * Marks the time in one’s life where you become a contributor to the collective, rather than dependent upon it * Overcoming a hardship either physical or mental give one the tools and experience to see through a difficult time * Alters one’s perspective and the ability to see things differently * Allows youth to earn the respect of their elders * Presents a place of common ground. Begins the dialog of commonality between the youth and the adult * Forces yout