Change Your Pov Podcast

EP091: Aging The End Or The Beginning – With Lee Mowatt



SUMMARY: Aging is part of life. Time passes and we get older. Many chapters in our lives close. Many see this as the end, but does it have to be? Lee Mowatt discusses aging as growing old without growing old. 66 years young, Lee shares with us his passion for spreading the word about aging, what you can do to change your perspective and live a fuller, more rewarding life. Your life does not have to end once you retire, or after a certain age. IN THIS PARTICULAR EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: Lee embarks on his quest to spread his message as a Podcaster. The Inner Game Of Aging Podcast is a remarkable show that really opens one’s mind to the unique challenges we face as we age. LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: The Inner Game Of Aging Website TIGA Podcast Hey, It’s Eddie! Thanks for listening! Thanks so much for listening! Have some feedback you’d like to share?