Change Your Pov Podcast

EP071: DIVVY Investments The Easy Way To Invest – With Nick Bradfield



SUMMARY: Investing just couldn’t be easier than with DIVVY Investments. Take the guesswork and emotion out of investing and stick with the numbers! New to investing, or a seasoned pro, you will see results with DIVVY Investments. Ok look I get it, it is scary and uncomfortable talking about investments, and investing, and markets and all that. If you are like me, (and a lot are) I haven’t invested because quite frankly, I have no idea what to do or how to start! And I have heard enough horror stories about brokers taking advantage of investors (especially those of us that have no clue). In this interview, Nick breaks it down “Shotgun Style” and helps make the world of investing a less scarier place! IN THIS PARTICULAR EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: DIVVY Investments  helps you Simplify Your Investments Strategy. There are a lot of people that don’t want to hire a high priced financial advisor (for a variety of reasons, and I am one of them). They want to be do-it-yourself investors. Unfortunately, there is so much