Change Your Pov Podcast

EP056: Find Success In The NAVY With Bluejacketeer – With Jonny Coreson



SUMMARY: Just ask Jonny Coreson and he will be the first to tell you that life and business are just like a game of Jenga! If you pull the wrong block or making the wrong business decision it can prove catastrophic. Likewise, if you manage to get that block out ok there is always a chance you could place it incorrectly or implement a business strategy poorly, same results… blocks all over the place. In this episode, Jonny teaches us that just like in Jenga it is just as important in life and in business that we pick up the pieces, rebuild, and keep playing! Failures in life are opportunities if you see them and treat them as such! IN THIS PARTICULAR EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: Jonny is a Co-Founder of an online comprehensive training program specifically designed to provide US Navy Sailors with a placement exam study platform that they can take anywhere! Bluejacketeer is a system specifically designed by Sailors to help Sailors prepare for the Navy-wide Advancement Exam.   This system leverages the benefits of a