Change Your Pov Podcast

EP052: Determine Your Decision Hour – With Adam Bird



SUMMARY: Giving up your identity and perceived value in the military to take on being a single Father wasn’t an easy decision at first for Adam. Once this Hour of Decision came he knew he had one chance to make the right decision and that was to be the Father to his son he knew he needed to be. Once the decision was made Adam realized that his perceived value did not come from his uniform, or under his Sergeant Stripes, or draped under this nation’s flag with a commitment to his country sworn by an oath. His actual value was in raising a young boy into a worthy man some day. This legacy is where true value and honor is found. IN THIS PARTICULAR EPISODE YOU WILL LEARN: Four things Adam recommends to all service members as they embark on their journey of separation from military service: Ensure your medical paperwork is in order before you separate, you will need them once you get out. Research a career field prior to separation and have an idea of what you want to do once you get out. Get some education befor