Facebook Answerman

Stop Bitching About Facebook Changes!



http://facebookanswerman.com/3399% of the time the past year or so I’ve bit my tongue when I hear Facebook page owners and other Social Media Marketers/Mangers griping about Facebook changes.Pre-2013 I would complain about everything and call everyone out when I thought they were being stupid.But I found that no one likes “that guy” and I had become known by many as a griper and complainer — which was never my intention.I simply thought I was being helpful, but discovered I was actually hurting myself in the long run.But I have to speak up for a moment about something that is really bugging the crap out of me…And it’s all of the Facebook page owners and Social Media “Experts” griping about changes to the Facebeook news feed algorithm for pages.ENOUGH IS ENOUGH PEOPLE!!!