Facebook Answerman

7 Ways to Increase Sales on Facebook



http://facebookanswerman.com/31 Often times on Facebook marketing related blogs the tips and advice given really only applies to online businesses.Most of the so called “experts” giving the advice only run a page for their training in the social media niche so when advice is given about how something worked for them many times it does not apply in the real world…I’ve always been bothered by this and that’s why typically the tips you get from me are real world tips based on my experience running a small business page on Facebook.I’ve helped local businesses with Facebook and currently run 2 of my own small business pages that are geared towards local customers.Running a page hyper targeted locally is 1000 times different than running a Facebook page that teaches you how to market.There are different challenges, different tactics and different methods that must be applied.Today let’s talk about 7 ways your local business can use Facebook to increase sales.