Facebook Answerman

HUGE Facebook Contest Rule Changes!



Facebook just made a huge announcement and changed the rules regarding Facebook pages. No longer are you required to run a contest via a 3rd party app. This IMHO kills contest app companies.It’s now Easier to Administer Promotions on FacebookWe’ve updated our Pages Terms in order to make it easier for businesses of all sizes to create and administer promotions on Facebook. Here’s what Page administrators need to know:We’ve removed the requirement that promotions on Facebook only be administered through appsNow, promotions may be administered on Page Timelines and in apps on Facebook. For example, businesses can now:Collect entries by having users post on the Page or comment/like a Page postCollect entries by having users message the PageUtilize likes as a voting mechanismAs before, however, businesses cannot administer promotions on personal Timelines.Accurate tagging is required in promotionsIn order to maintain the accuracy of Page content, our Pages Terms now prohibit Pages from tagging or encouraging peop