Facebook Answerman

#23: 7 Free Ways to Promote Your Page



Plenty of businesses use Facebook advertising to promote their page apps, but the majority do not.If you’ve built an app that is unique & interesting to your fanbase — and has built-in sharing features as well as an awesome incentive (a prize, access to exclusive content, etc.), then you’re halfway there.And the truth is, you don’t need to spend money to get the word out about your cool new app.In this post I’m going to cover how your business can promote your business’s app to existing fans & people outside of your Facebook network, all without spending a dime.Tips to promote your app to current fans1. Post multiple status updates about your new appI’m going back to the basics with this first tip. If you want fans to know about something, you have to tell them — and keep reminding them.For example, if you just launched a contest app, make multiple Facebook announcements during different times of the day & throughout the week (or during the period of time the app is running).Also, don’t forget to
