In Sanity We Trust Productions

Werewolf: the Forsaken Actual Play - The Eater of Names



The third session of Werewolf: the Forsaken - The Eater of Names. There's a worrying encounter with something hungry in the Museum, and the pack steps into the Shadow with Lao Min for the first time. This is a recording of our game session as it happened, with no editing. For more info about the game and setting, take a look at our forum thread here. The crew of Eater of Names: - Chris, GM and freelance writer for Onyx Path. - Agena, playing the Bone Shadow Elodoth 'Red Lantern Widow'. - Arran, playing the Hunter in Darkness Rahu 'Lucky Rat'. - Luke, playing the Bone Shadow Irraka Wang Lee. - Alice, playing the hapless newly-Changed Ithaeur Lao Min. - And Katerina the toddler, playing the intrusive background noises of Hong Kong (you have been warned!).