Project Rawcast

Instagram Bots and Automation



There’s no more divisive issue in the Instagram community than the use of Bots or Automation to grow a following. Tassiegrammer and Kieran try to give an un-opinionated explanation of the difference between bots and automation, how they are used and how affective they are. They believe there are bigger issues that the photography community needs to address and stand together on. On a lighter note they chat about how they use the HSL functions to control colour in Lightroom and Photoshop.   Episode Links Project RAWcast Phillip Island Workshop Project RAWcast Cradle Mountain Workshop How to Color Your Photos Using the HSL Tool in Lightroom Dad Photoshops Baby Into Dangerous Situations to Freak Out Relatives John Wilhelm is a photoholic (horazio) Photos / 500px Just a knitting needle and a wall socket by John Wilhelm is a photoholic - Photo 135542091 / 500px Project RAWcast Facebook Project RAWcast Instagram Project RAWcast Patreon