

News! Countdown: Action Edition Jack Vasel memorial auction Matt will be at PAX Unplugged What we have been playing? (Roy) Runewars (Rob) 7th Continent (Matt) Nothing Topic: Exploration! What are some games you like that involve expiration? Xia Sid Meier’s Civilization Mansions of Madness 2nd Ed Eclipse Betrayal at House on the Hill What are some ways that a game can give you a sense of exploration? What are some themes you would like to see explored more in boardgames? Are there any mechanics you would love for designers to explore more iterations of games in? Do you think exploration in games is better suited for competitive or cooperative play? If you could see one game add more exploration what game would it be? Dead of Winter What game can you may wait to get back to exploring? Pandemic Legacy Season 2 Dead of Winter all the games Caverna Star Wars Rebellion Thanks so much to all of our amazing patrons Patron of the week: Kris Hokanson Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on