Two Guys Talk Movies

Ep. 35 - Director Spotlight: Rian Johnson



In preparation for STAR WARS: The Last Jedi, we look at director, Rian Johnson's filmography. We look at the movies he's made, the movies he's going to make, and everything in-between. - Avengers: Infinity War Trailer #1 - 00:02:00. - Guillermo del Toro turned down Universal's Dark Universe - 00:08:25. - Brian Singer disappears from "Bohemian Rhapsody" - 00:11:50. - MAIN TOPIC: Director Spotlight: Rian Johnson - 00:15:08. - The Last Jedi predictions - 00:35:37. Thank you for listening to the show! Make sure you are subscribed to the show! We have some great episodes coming down the pipe! - Alex & Ian.