

What we have been playing? (Roy) Arkham Horror: Under the Pyramid (Rob) Rook, OG Zombiecide (Matt) Terraforming Mars Topic: 2 payers What are some good 2 player games? War of the Ring Onitama Xia 7 Ronin This War of Mine All the LCG’s Do you enjoy gaming 2 players? Is it hard to get 2 player games to the table? What games work just as well with just 2 players as it does with multiple players? Hero Clix Run, Fight, or Die Century Spice Road Spector Ops Dead of Winter Is there a different dynamic when playing two player games? When looking at two player games what is the main thing you’re looking for? 2 player co ops? Would you play more 2 player games if given the opportunity? What is your favorite two player game? (Rob) Summoner Wars (Roy) War of the Ring (Matt) Codenames: Duet Other games mentioned: Legacy of Dragonholt Thanks so much to all of our amazing patrons Patron of the week: Trevor Arat Follow Epic Gaming Night @EpicGamingNight on Twitter and Instagram If