Tech Talk

Show #52



May 1st, 2008 - Tech Talk is back online with another episode of tech news. Kevin, Pete and Chris (no Jeff this week) join you to escort you through what interesting things have been going on in the tech world. This week we discuss recent video game releases, XP and Vista sales, video game thiefs, a Canadian iPhone, SP3 for XP, Guitar Hero on the internet, the latest on the Microsoft Yahoo fiasco, and much more. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories:. Shenanigans: Dell to Sell XP after June 30, Microsoft to Pretend They're Selling Vista to Save Face Rural Albert Lea man accused of video game scam iPhone coming to Canada Microsoft releases the long-anticipated Windows XP SP3 Blu-ray: The Future Has Been Delayed Guitar Hero embeddable widget hits web Mexican attaché attempts to make off with White House BlackBerrys Microsoft Raises Yahoo Offer To $32-$33 Through WSJ; YHOO Wants $37 iTunes Store gets same-day DVD releases An elephant never forgets? George W.