Tech Talk

Show #51



April 24th, 2008 - The original Tech Talk crew is here to deliver a solid show chock full of tech news. Jeff, Kevin and Pete all bring you the latest and greatest in the technology world. This week we discuss the end of the internet in 2010, Skype changes nothing, the Xbox is on fire (literally), Zune doing something we don't care about, Sony doing something we don't care about, Comcast smack down, Yahoo ultimatum, Netflix jerkery, illegal search and seizure, and more. This week our opening song is Legend of Zelda Dirty OC Remix courtesy of HouseMasta. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: After complaints, Apple tweaks Software Update for Safari AT&T: Internet to hit full capacity by 2010 Skype offers unlimited long-distance plan Xbox 360 burns house down Zune getting Audible FCC's Martin: Comcast Blocking Was Widespread Sony to delay Home online service for PS3 again Big week in Microsoft-Yahoo battle Netflix CEO: Will charge 'premium' for Blu-ray