April 17th, 2008 - Tech Talk has been putting shows out for a year now, and since this was our 50th show that means we've only missed two weeks, right? It seems like we have missed more shows that that ;-). We start off this show as always by discussing what's been going on with in the last week. Only Kevin has anything interesting to add as he was in Boston for the first part of this week. For our anniversary we talk about tech news stories! This week we discuss Blockbusters odd attempt to buy Circuit City, the real culprits behind the undersea cable cuts, Oklahoma's ineptitude, NBC's attempt to get their content back on iTunes, parents selling game consoles, and much more. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: Blockbuster bids over $1 billion for Circuit City Satellites pin blame for undersea cable cuts on cargo ships The Wifi Predator Assassin's Creed on the PC: bad UI, bad DRM, bad port Oklahoma Leaks Tens of Thousands of Social Security Numbers, Oth