Tech Talk

Show #47



March 27th, 2008 - Heya folks. This is going to be a weird show. Skype just did not want to behave on the evening we were recording, so sound quality is not the best on this show. Not only that, but some of the hosts seemed to be off doing other stuff while we were recording... We try to still deliver a solid show through all of these distractions and Talk about Tech. We discuss some underhandedness by Apple, the XM/Sirius merger and crazy demands from Clear Channel, Comcast and BitTorrent shaking hands, and much more more than you bargained for. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: Mozilla CEO Objects To Safari Auto Install XM / Sirius merger approved! Clear Channel wants the FCC to force XM / Sirius to obey indecency laws Photoshop Express now free and online A New Tool From Google Alarms Sites Comcast-BitTorrent pact not a substitute for net neutrality WoW bot maker sued after home visit from Vivendi attorney Grandma, grandpa get owned by Illino