Tech Talk

Show #42



February 13th, 2008 - The answer to life, the universe, and everything lies in this podcast. Well, maybe not really, but it's full of technology news and immaturity. We discuss the latest news in the Microsoft-Yahoo scenario, Microsoft buying a cellphone maker on a whim, free Zunes, Netflix, lawsuits, and more. At one point or another, the whole crew is on this episode. As always, much fun is had. You can provide feedback to the show at - Show Notes - News Stories: Microsoft's Offer to buy Yahoo for $44.6 billion turned down Microsoft to buy phone maker Danger Microsoft says "sorry" with free Valentine's Zune 80 players Netflix picks Blu-ray, good luck renting an HD DVD soon Best Buy kicks HD DVD while it's down Victim: $54 million Best Buy lawsuit stupid, but necessary Samsung sued over "defective" first-gen Blu-ray players Starbucks: Forget T-Mobile, get (free) WiFi with AT&T Spore finally evolves to retail Sept 7, 2008 Patent examiners voice opposition to Patent Reform Act R